In hopes of eventually packaging DPS8M (, the 36‑bit GE Large Systems / Honeywell / Bull 600/6000‑series mainframe computer simulator (and the associated Multics operating system files), I'd like to request that some license details be reviewed by the Fedora project.
Of the source code licenses used, only the Multics License is not currently listed as allowed for Fedora. The Multics License is an OSI approved open source license (and a Blue Oak Council Certified permissive license). See for details.
As an aside, the use of the Multics license in DPS8M might be unique amongst software distributed by Fedora, if DPS8M would eventually be packaged. The Multics License covers **only** some of the simulator’s source code comments, and is **not** applicable to compiled object code or binary distributions of the simulator, so the compiled packages would be allowed in Fedora, but not the source code, which would be a weird Catch-22 indeed.
In addition, I'd like to request that the CF-GAL ([Copyfree] General Attribution License) be allowed as a content and documentation license. See for the license text. This license originates from, and is a variant of the SAL ( which is not specific to software, and is similar to the already allowed zlib license. This license covers the use of certain logos, artwork, and documentation.
I apologize if I've misrouted this request, and if so, please let me know the most appropriate way to submit the GAL and Multics licenses for consideration.
-- Jeffrey H. Johnson