Should Fedora distribute content under the Ocaml documentation license?
The license says:
The present documentation is copyright © 2013 Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA). The OCaml
documentation and user’s manual may be reproduced and distributed in
whole or in part, subject to the following conditions:
• The copyright notice above and this permission notice must be
preserved complete on all complete or partial copies.
• Any translation or derivative work of the OCaml documentation and
user’s manual must be approved by the authors in writing before
• If you distribute the OCaml documentation and user’s manual in
part, instructions for obtaining the complete version of this manual
must be included, and a means for obtaining a complete version provided.
• Small portions may be reproduced as illustrations for reviews or
quotes in other works without this permission notice if proper citation
is given.
For program source code, this would clearly not be allowed because
derivative works are not permitted. Are such restrictions permitted for
documentation licenses in Fedora?