Hi all,
Below are my notes (written in markdown) about the tweaks I made after
installing the new F34 i3 spin.
Perhaps some of them are interesting either for integration into F35
version, or perhaps as part of a write-up about using the i3 spin.
# Essential Tweaks to Fedora 34 i3 Spin
(essential for me at least)
1. general system update
sudo dnf update
2. fix 4k display issues (to scale the display by 2X)
# install xrandr which is used to change display properties
sudo dnf install xrandr
# create a shell script to scale the display
sudo cat > /usr/share/lightdm/display.sh <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env sh
[ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && /usr/bin/xrandr --output eDP --scale 0.5x0.5
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/lightdm/display.sh
# configure lightdm to run the shell script when showing the greeter
and when starting a new session
sudo sed -i '/greeter-setup-script=/
sudo sed -i '/session-setup-script=/
3. install `xss-lock` (this is already included in the default i3
config file) to enable auto start of i3lock when the display is locked;
and add a keybinding (mod+shift+p - but use a keycode since I am using
Dvorak keyboard layout (which maps this to mod+shift+l in Dvorak)) to
lock the screen
sudo dnf install xss-lock
echo 'bindcode $mod+Shift+33 exec --no-startup-id loginctl
lock-session' >> ~/.config/i3/config
4. replace urxvt terminal with alacritty (why bother configuring uxrvt
to be usable when there are other terminals that work out of the box?).
sudo dnf install alacritty
sudo dnf remove rxvt-unicode
5. replace dmenu with rofi (using the default config included in the
default i3 config file)
sudo dnf install rofi
# comment out the line that exec's dmenu
sed -i '/exec --no-startup-id dmenu_run/ s/^/# /' ~/.config/i3/config
# uncomment the line that runs rofi
sed -i '/rofi -modi-drun/ s/^# //' ~/.config/i3/config
6. use Hack font instead of monospace for i3 title bars and i3status
(it seems Hack is installed by default but I don't really understand
how fonts work or how to verify this)
sed -i '/^font / s/.*/font pango: Hack Regular 10/'
7. configure trackpad natural scrolling and tap to click
sudo cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-trackpad.conf <<EOF
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Option "Tapping" "True"
Option "TappingDrag" "True"
Option "NaturalScrolling" "True"
Driver "libinput"