Hi all, I wanted to propose a change for us to migrate this mailing list to the Fedora Discussion forum using Discourse.
Why make this change? Many Fedora sub-projects, teams, and SIGs are moving their discussion to the Discourse site. It brings our conversations and discussions closer to the rest of the project. It is also easier to discover there is an i3 SIG if we create a new tag (with the help of friendly neighborhood Discourse admins). There have already been a few i3-related discussions there, although they aren't seen by most packagers and SIG members unless they search them in other categories.
Why not double down on using the mailing list? For me, I find it difficult to engage. Most of the notifications I get as a mailing list owner are about spam. I just deleted 42 threads about spam posts in the moderation queue going back to January 2022, of which there were two legitimate posts on the list. I know we can turn this off, but there are other cases where we do want to moderate that queue for the occasional legitimate mail that comes through. To me, mailing lists feel limited in use today in Fedora and it is also harder now to connect with people who are not deliberately intent on participating with the i3 SIG folks.
When could this change happen? The i3 SIG is not meeting regularly now, so my assumption is that it is up to our own discretion as SIG members if this is a change we want to take and when it could happen. I wanted to start the conversation to get a temperature check on how others feel now that the Fedora Discussion site is live for almost four years.
Any thoughts?
Justin W. Flory (he/him) || 🔗 jwf.io
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