--- Comment #8 from Mike FABIAN --- Created attachment 1654809 --> Screenshot showing which engines show a keyboard layout and which don't
The engines (or keyboard layouts) marked green in the screenshot show a keyboard layout, the ones which are marked red don't.
I.e. there are some engines which do show a keyboard layout when clicking on the "eye" to show the layout.
The engines which do that are those which enforce a keyboard layout.
For example:
mfabian@localhost ~]$ cat /usr/share/ibus/component/cangjie.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <component> <name>org.freedesktop.IBus.Cangjie</name> <description>Cangjie Component</description> <exec>/usr/lib/ibus-cangjie/ibus-engine-cangjie --ibus cangjie</exec> <version>2.4</version> <author>The IBus Cangjie authors</author> <license>GPLv3+</license> <homepage></homepage> <textdomain>ibus-cangjie</textdomain>
<engines> <engine> <name>cangjie</name> <longname>Cangjie</longname> <description>Cangjie Input Method</description> <language>zh_HK</language> <layout>us</layout> <symbol>倉頡</symbol> <icon>/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/intl/cangjie.png</icon> <license>GPLv3+</license> <author>The IBus Cangjie authors</author> <setup>/usr/bin/ibus-setup-cangjie cangjie</setup> <rank>0</rank> </engine> </engines> </component>[mfabian@localhost ~]$
The "Chinese(Cangjie)" engine has <layout>us</layout>, i.e. it enforces the us layout and clicking on the "eye" shows that.
But the "Other (latn-post (m17n))" engine has "<layout>default</layout>":
[mfabian@localhost ~]$ /usr/libexec/ibus-engine-m17n --xml | grep -A 5 latn-post.png ... <icon>/usr/share/m17n/icons/latn-post.png</icon> <layout>default</layout> <layout_variant></layout_variant> <layout_option></layout_option> <hotkeys></hotkeys> <symbol></symbol> [mfabian@localhost ~]$
i.e. it does not change the layout, and in gnome-control-center clicking on the eye does nothing.
The "Other (latn-post (m17n))" engine has an option in its setup tool, but it does not matter whether this option is used or not, clicking on the "eye" never shows anything for that engine.
So it only seems to matter whether the xml data for an engine from /usr/share/ibus/component/*.xml enforces a layout or not.