I run a linux home server under Rocky Linux 8, latest update. The ISPs router is set in bridge mode and the server is the modem/router of the network.
Otherwise, I have no problems with the server
Problem statement: I cannot stream radio stations (tunein) on my LAN.
I can connect to the wifi speakers with the app and stream music e.g. from my iphone
This is the configuration:
• I have a HD Mesh Router connected to my server and additionally two mesh points. All internet is wifi
• Multi-zone firewalld configuration:
o <LAN NIC> was assigned to zone = internal
o <WAN NIC> and ppp0 connection was assigned to zone = external
<WAN NIC> is pppoe.parent of ppp0
nmcli con add type pppoe ifname ppp0 con-name ppp0 pppoe.parent <WAN NIC> pppoe.user <username> pppoe.password <password>
o Masquerade is enabled for zones internal and external
o Configuration that outgoing packets pass through the Server from Internal network and get forwarded to the External side.
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 nat POSTROUTING 0 -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
o firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter FORWARD 0 -i <LAN NIC> -o ppp0 -j ACCEPT
o firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter FORWARD 0 -i ppp0 -o <LAN NIC> -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
From the provider of the wifi speakers I found this about ports:
Speakers and controllers (apps, professional controllers) require communication with each other. Therefore, specific ports must be opened to allow this communication:
• 80 : HTTP
• 554: RTSP
• 49152: MediaRenderer UPnP "listening"
• 49153: Configuration UPnP "listening"
• 49154: MediaServer UPnP "listening"
Open range between 50000 to 64999 for MediaRenderer and 60006 for Media Server.
Furthermore, all UPnP requires multicast access to the along with the appropriate IGMP messages and control for multicast.
I also found this:
The following router ports should be open on your router to allow a seamless network communication with a network-enabled device Router ports: 3813, 443, 80, 8080, 3689 TCP, 554, 5297, 5298, 5353 UDP multicast
I opened all ports on internal and external zone and checked for rejected UDP packages (dmesg ,journalctl -x -e) and opened these protest too, but no luck.
I would really appreciate if here is somebody who could throw me a lifeline with the firewall configuration.
Thanks for your insights.