I have a test lab and its use VirtualBox with two VMs as below:
VM1 (node1): This VM has two NICs (NAT, Host-only Adapter)
VM2 (node2): This VM has one NIC (Host-only Adapter)
On VM1, I use the NAT interface for the port forwarding: "" on Host FORWARDING TO on Guest.
The IP addresses of my VMs are: node1 node2
These nodes using the Pacemaker clustering and when node1 stopped, then a floting IP address ( replace it.
# pcs cluster stop node1
node1: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
node1: Stopping Cluster (corosync)...
# pcs status
Error: error running crm_mon, is pacemaker running?
Could not connect to the CIB: Transport endpoint is not connected
crm_mon: Error: cluster is not available on this node
# curl
<body>My Test Site - node2</body>
In normal state, when I browse "" on my host, then it shows me "My Test Site - node1", but when I stopped node1 cluster and browse "" it doesn't show me "My Test Site - node2".
Can I use Firewalld to forward the requests to "" when node1 stopped?
Thank you.
I just can open and close a port that a service running on that port?
I have not any service on port 8080 and did:
# firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --list-ports
80/tcp 443/tcp
Why I can't see port 8080 in the list?
Hey all,
With the release of Mageia Linux 8, I wanted to highlight something
that may be interesting to the FirewallD community: the introduction
of a new tool by Mageia's ManaTools team: ManaFirewall[1].
The ManaFirewall tool is a rewrite of the drakfirewall tool that has
been part of the Mandriva/Mageia Control Center for decades. The old
tool was written in Perl and used Shorewall, this new one is written
in Python 3 and uses FirewallD. Additionally, since it uses the
ManaTools application framework[2], it automatically has Qt5, GTK3,
and ncurses based UIs through its usage of the libyui library[3] from
the folks at SUSE along with Mageia's extensions[4].
In addition to being available for Mageia Linux 8, I have also brought
it to Fedora. As it requires FirewallD 0.9.0 or higher, I have built
it for Fedora 34 and Rawhide, and submitted it as an update for Fedora
The ManaFirewall tool is relatively new and the functionality isn't to
the same level as firewall-config yet, but the long-term goal is to
reach feature parity and provide a comfortable experience managing
FirewallD regardless of environment (desktop or server).
If anyone is interested in contributing to helping make this a
reality, they are very welcome! The ManaTools team is available on the
#manatools IRC channel on Freenode.
[1]: https://github.com/manatools/manafirewall
[2]: https://github.com/manatools/python-manatools
[3]: https://github.com/libyui/libyui
[4]: https://github.com/manatools/libyui-mga
[5]: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-9867a3782a
真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
Is it possible and logical to use the Firewalld as a reverse proxy server?
I have below plan:
The Internet --> Reverse Proxy --> Apache Web Server
Apache can do it, but how about Firewalld?
Thank you.
In our public zone we've opened ports 161/162 for snmp traffic. We do an snmpwalk but even with the ports open we still have to open ports 1024-65535 in order for it to work. Is there a way to open 161/162 without opening the entire non-privilege port range for it to work. Thanks
I see in upcoming versions, firewalld.policy is to replace the functionality of
iptables and firewalld.direct.
Browsing through the documentation, I can't see how I would replace the following
with policies as I can't find how to have a custom (module provided) TARGET.
The following supports the Sipwise NGCP RTPengine iptables kernel module:
# direct.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- RTPengine managed iptables chain and kernel module forwarding-->
<chain ipv="ipv4" table="filter" chain="RTPENGINE_allow"/>
<chain ipv="ipv6" table="filter" chain="RTPENGINE_allow"/>
<passthrough ipv="ipv4">-I INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 30000:40000 -j RTPENGINE_allow</passthrough>
<passthrough ipv="ipv4">-I INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 30000:40000 -j RTPENGINE --id 0</passthrough>
<passthrough ipv="ipv6">-I INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 30000:40000 -j RTPENGINE_allow</passthrough>
<passthrough ipv="ipv6">-I INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 30000:40000 -j RTPENGINE --id 0</passthrough>
Anthony - https://messinet.com
F9B6 560E 68EA 037D 8C3D D1C9 FF31 3BDB D9D8 99B6