Should the first release of copyleft-next be designated with the
version number 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, something else?
I'm somewhat inclined to go with "0.01" (which still is suggestive of
'likely to see further improvement'). Incidentally, I am increasingly
of the view that the version stability of (at least interesting) FLOSS
(and free or quasi-free content) licenses is a flaw, and I am
envisioning copyleft-next as a license that could rapidly evolve even
when one only considers a series of official numbered releases.
Most FLOSS licenses with numbered releases (and names) have begun with
"1.0" (famous exceptions are the GNU LGPL and the GNU AGPL).
Apparently there was an 0.5 release of the Common Public License that
was applied to some software, so there is some limited precedent for
having pre-1.0 numbered releases.
- RF