This is to follow-up what I hinted at on Identica.
As to releasing copyleft-next, this is a very good week to bury news of
any sort. I would suggest and propose that any initial release be done
at a press availability so that members of the tech press, such that
they are, can be physically present to ask questions. We already saw
coverage that was less than optimal at the start of this effort that I
intervened to try to get corrected over at The Register. Having a press
availability, this is part of the normal mechanics of doing things.
I would suggest holding an event in New York City in a few weeks or so
and inviting folks from CNET, The Register, Ars Technica, and such other
outlets as may be determined appropriate to come. The location should
be neutral ground. Bureaus for most of the mentioned outlets are either
in Boston or NYC and with northeast regional transit infrastructure
being superior in some respects to that found elsewhere in the United
States this would not be as great of an imposition as, for example,
asking them to attend an event here in northeast Ohio's Ashtabula County.
To do this, a few things would need to be nailed down:
1. A date
2. A time
3. A place
4. Who shall be available to the press
To members of the media, commit logs and e-mail archives sometimes are
not enough to be able to understand a subject to be able to write a
story. Sometimes questions have to be asked and answered. To help gain
knowledge throughout the community at large, the media plays an
important role in the existence of something like copyleft-next.
I'll tentatively commit to baking some cookies and bringing them across
two state lines perhaps for such an invited press availability if
somebody else can bring coffee. :-)
As for numbering, I'd follow Gentoo/Ubuntu mechanics and go with
something akin to 2012.12 perhaps.
Stephen Michael Kellat
Press Flack for the Music Along the River Festival near Ohio's Grand River
Head Writer, Erie Looking Productions
Ashtabula Township, OH