#13: Port Cloud Image Kickstart to anaconda/imagefactory ------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 21 Component: Cloud Base Image | Keywords: ------------------------------+----------------------- Rel-Eng is updating to Koji 1.9, which will allow us to use Anaconda and ImageFactory for image creation instead of appliance-creator.
* What: The current kickstart file is full of kludges for appliance- creator. Port to anaconda/imagefactory kludges * Where: same as ongoing maintenance of kickstart * Why: appliance-creator is being retired; anaconda-based installs are the way forward * When: As soon as this is available in Koji. Need a new ImageFactory release, then patches into Koji for support, then a new Koji release, then Koji needs to be updated in Fedora production * Who: Ian McLeod is working on ImageFactory; Jay Greguske on the Koji patches, Mike McLean is Koji maintainer, Dennis Gilmore in release engineering will do the Koji update. Need to work with them to get this in place, and then someone from cloud wg needs to do the updating.
#13: Port Cloud Image Kickstart to anaconda/imagefactory ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Branch) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Changes (by mattdm):
* milestone: Fedora 21 (Final) => Fedora 21 (Branch)
#13: Port Cloud Image Kickstart to anaconda/imagefactory ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Branch) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------+---------------------------------
Comment (by ausil):
Replying to [ticket:13 mattdm]:
Rel-Eng is updating to Koji 1.9, which will allow us to use Anaconda and
ImageFactory for image creation instead of appliance-creator.
- What: The current kickstart file is full of kludges for appliance-
creator. Port to anaconda/imagefactory kludges only kludge is to make sure the right kernel is installed.
- Where: same as ongoing maintenance of kickstart
- Why: appliance-creator is being retired; anaconda-based installs are
the way forward Not true it is not being retired, it will still be around and supported for some time yet.
- When: As soon as this is available in Koji. Need a new ImageFactory
release, then patches into Koji for support, then a new Koji release, then Koji needs to be updated in Fedora production Koji is being updated tomorrow
- Who: Ian McLeod is working on ImageFactory; Jay Greguske on the Koji
patches, Mike McLean is Koji maintainer, Dennis Gilmore in release engineering will do the Koji update. Need to work with them to get this in place, and then someone from cloud wg needs to do the updating.
#13: Port Cloud Image Kickstart to anaconda/imagefactory ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Branch) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------+---------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
Replying to [comment:2 ausil]:
- What: The current kickstart file is full of kludges for appliance-
creator. Port to anaconda/imagefactory kludges
only kludge is to make sure the right kernel is installed.
Well, maybe from rel-eng point of view. :) But this also includes the password locking, the firewall config, writing /etc/sysconfig/network, and possibly more.
- Where: same as ongoing maintenance of kickstart
- Why: appliance-creator is being retired; anaconda-based installs are
the way forward
Not true it is not being retired, it will still be around and supported
for some time yet.
Sorry, I didn't mean this to be alarmist. I know you're still keeping it around and that it's needed for the ARM builds.
#13: Port Cloud Image Kickstart to anaconda/imagefactory ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Branch) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Description changed by mattdm:
Old description:
Rel-Eng is updating to Koji 1.9, which will allow us to use Anaconda and ImageFactory for image creation instead of appliance-creator.
- What: The current kickstart file is full of kludges for appliance-
creator. Port to anaconda/imagefactory kludges
- Where: same as ongoing maintenance of kickstart
- Why: appliance-creator is being retired; anaconda-based installs are
the way forward
- When: As soon as this is available in Koji. Need a new ImageFactory
release, then patches into Koji for support, then a new Koji release, then Koji needs to be updated in Fedora production
- Who: Ian McLeod is working on ImageFactory; Jay Greguske on the Koji
patches, Mike McLean is Koji maintainer, Dennis Gilmore in release engineering will do the Koji update. Need to work with them to get this in place, and then someone from cloud wg needs to do the updating.
New description:
Rel-Eng is updating to Koji 1.9, which will allow us to use Anaconda and ImageFactory for image creation instead of appliance-creator.
* What: The current kickstart file is full of kludges for appliance- creator. Port to anaconda/imagefactory kludges * Where: same as ongoing maintenance of kickstart * Why: appliance-creator is no longer the preferred tool; anaconda-based installs are the way forward for cloud images * When: As soon as this is available in Koji. Need a new ImageFactory release, then patches into Koji for support, then a new Koji release, then Koji needs to be updated in Fedora production * Who: Ian McLeod is working on ImageFactory; Jay Greguske on the Koji patches, Mike McLean is Koji maintainer, Dennis Gilmore in release engineering will do the Koji update. Need to work with them to get this in place, and then someone from cloud wg needs to do the updating.
#13: Port Cloud Image Kickstart to anaconda/imagefactory ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: closed Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Branch) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------- Changes (by kushal):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
Closing this ticket as part of trac clean up process. If you want to reopen, please reopen it after we move to pagure.io as atomic-wg.