Sinceramente... Isso pareceu debate de ents. Pra quem não entende de Senhor dos Anéis segue um link:
O trecho abaixo é bastante explicativo:
"Depois de três dias de deliberação (um período muito curto aos olhos dos Ents)"
Rafael Gomes Consultor em TI Embaixador Fedora LPIC-1 (71) 8146-5772 Fedora Talk : 5103520
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Francesco Ugolini Date: Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:43 PM Subject: [Ambassadors] Inactive Ambassadors Proposal - FAmSCo answer To: Fedora Ambassadors List, FAmSCo List
Your voice is a real precious one and FAmSCo is really interested in knowing what you think about this topic and the other interesting connected discussions.
This discussion clearly show us the different POVs that each person has. For a variety of reason everyone here explained clearly and with good argumentations his/her reasons: this demonstrated how deep is your interest in the project and the real passion you have.
Now it's time to take a decision, the most reasonable and the best one for the project but, firstly, for all Ambassadors, especially the active ones.
FAmSCo had a discussion during its last meeting and in its list, finally we all agreed to work on a clean up of the wiki page, as described in the first mail on this thread [1]. Also, we will stay in touch with Local Contacts and, absolutely, with the community, tracking the evolution of all the concerns moved and, if needed, taking action on those one.
I think this discussion helped each other to face one of the most complicated and difficult discussion, your words were as useful as precious for the future of this project (even if you could see the effects in the short time).
Best regards
Francesco Ugolini
-- Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
ehauehauehuaheuhauhae XDeuri!