Nova versão do Preupgrade lançada com uma mãozinha do Projeto Fedora
Brasil. =)
-------- Mensagem encaminhada --------
De: Richard Hughes <hughsient(a)>
Reply-to: Development discussions related to Fedora
Para: Development discussions related to Fedora
Assunto: preupgrade 1.1.5 released
Data: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:18:21 +0100
Preupgrade prepares a Fedora system for an upgrade.
Version 1.1.5
Released: 2010-04-26
* Translations
- Add initial il8n support for preupgrade (Igor Pires Soares)
- Add il8n support for preupgrade-cli. Fixes rh#562036 (Igor Pires Soares)
* Bugfix:
- Add 'clearpart --none' to the kickstart, as anaconda no longer
defaults to this. Fixes rh#575400 (Richard Hughes)
- For some reason name is null when getting the callback from yum.
Detect this and prevent a crash. Fixes rh#572148 (Richard Hughes)
- Fix up the makefiles so 'make dist' does the right thing (Seth Vidal)
I'm building rpm's and an update for F12 now.