I'm happy to announce the results of our recent round of elections for
at-large seats on the Fedora Board, FESCo, and FAmSCo. The results
are as follows:
Fedora Board
There were two open seats on the Fedora Board this election cycle. A
total of 239 ballots were cast. Due to the system of range voting
that we use in Fedora elections, this means that each of the five
candidates could receive up to 1195 votes (239 ballots multiplied by 5
Votes | Candidate
690 | Joerg Simon (irc: kital, FAS: jsimon)
654 | Jaroslav Reznik (irc: jreznik, FAS: jreznik)
554 | David Nalley (irc: ke4qqq, FAS: ke4qqq)
453 | Sandro Mathys (irc: red_alert, FAS: red)
289 | David Ramsey (irc: dramsey, FAS: dramsey)
I'm pleased to welcome Joerg Simon and Jaroslav Reznik to serve full
two-term positions on the Fedora Board.
* * * * *
There were four FESCo seats up for election this cycle. A total of
240 ballots were cast in the FESCo election. Each of the eight
candidates could receive up to 1920 votes (240 ballots multiplied by 8
Votes | Candidate
1168 | Christoph Wickert (irc: cwickert, FAS: cwickert)
1136 | Adam Jackson (irc: ajax, FAS: ajax)
923 | Matthew Garrett (irc: mjg59, FAS: mjg59)
895 | Marcela Mašláňová (irc: mmaslano, FAS: mmaslano)
866 | Peter Jones (irc: pjones, FAS: pjones)
711 | Stephen Gallagher (irc: sgallagh, FAS: sgallagh)
562 | Justin M. Forbes (irc: jforbes, FAS: jforbes)
445 | David Ramsey (irc: dramsey, FAS: dramsey)
The top four candidates are Christoph Wickert, Adam Jackson, Matthew
Garrett, and Marcela Mašláňová. They will each serve a full two-term
position in FESCo.
* * * * *
All seven seats on FAmSCo were up for re-election this cycle. There
were a total of 125 ballots cast in the FAmSCo election. Each of the
twelve candidates could receive up to 1500 votes (125 ballots
multiplied by 12 candidates).
Votes | Candidate
729 | Neville A. Cross (FAS: yn1v, IRC: yn1v)
703 | Larry Cafiero (FAS: lcafiero, IRC: lcafiero)
686 | Rahul Sundaram (FAS: sundaram, IRC: mether)
586 | Gerard Braad (FAS: gbraad, IRC: gbraad)
572 | Igor Soares (FAS: igor, IRC: igorps)
568 | Pierros Papadeas (FAS: ppapadeas, IRC: liknus)
547 | Caius Chance (FAS: kaio, IRC: kaio)
525 | David Ramsey (FAS: dramsey, IRC: dramsey)
477 | Guillermo Gomez Savino (FAS: gomix, IRC: gomix)
452 | Antonio Salles (FAS: asalles, IRC: antoniosalles)
433 | Zoltan Hoppar (FAS: zoltanh721, IRC: zoltanh7211)
331 | Marcus Moeller (FAS: mmoeller, IRC: marcus_)
I welcome Neville A. Cross, Larry Cafiero, Rahul Sundaram, Gerard
Braad, Igor Soares, Pierros Papadeas, and Caius Chance to serve for
two terms on FAmSCo.
* * * * *
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have
previously served on the Fedora Board or FAmSCo or FESCo for their
hard work and dedication to Fedora. I'd also like to thank all the
candidates and volunteers who participated in this round of elections.
Jared Smith
Fedora Project Leader