From: Tomas Sedovic <tomas(a)>
src/app/views/settings/general_settings.html.haml | 50 ----------
src/app/views/settings/index.html.haml | 34 -------
src/app/views/settings/self_service.html.haml | 108 +--------------------
src/config/locales/en.yml | 27 +-----
src/config/routes.rb | 7 --
5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/app/views/settings/general_settings.html.haml
diff --git a/src/app/views/settings/general_settings.html.haml b/src/app/views/settings/general_settings.html.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ed6e87..0000000
--- a/src/app/views/settings/general_settings.html.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- %h1{:class => controller.controller_name}= t'settings.general_settings.general_settings'
- #obj_actions.button-group
- %header
- %h2= t'settings.settings'
- .content
- %form{:class => 'container_16'}
- .grid_16
- %h1= t'settings.general_settings.portal'
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_5.alpha= t 'settings.general_settings.brand_icon'
- .grid_6
- %input{:type => "file", :disabled => true}
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_5.alpha= t 'settings.general_settings.tag_line'
- %textarea.grid_6.disabled{:disabled => true}
- %fieldset.clearfix
- .grid_5.alpha.disabled.ra
- %input{:type => "checkbox", :disabled => true}
- %label= t 'settings.general_settings.allow_self_service'
- .grid_6.disabled
- %select{:disabled => true}
- %option= t'settings.general_settings.select_treatment'
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %label.alpha.grid_5= t'settings.general_settings.primary_url_port'
- %input.grid_6{:value => "3000", :disabled => true}
- %h1=t 'settings.general_settings.content'
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_5.alpha=t 'settings.general_settings.entitlement_mode'
- .grid_5
- %ul.block
- %li
- %input{:type => "radio", :name => "entitlement", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled=t 'settings.general_settings.user_brings_subscriptions'
- %li
- %input{:type => "radio", :name => "entitlement", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled= t'settings.general_settings.system_subscription'
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_5.alpha= t'settings.general_settings.certificate'
- .grid_6
- %input{:type => "file", :disabled => true}
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %label.alpha.grid_5=t 'settings.general_settings.content_manager_url'
- %input.grid_6{:disabled => true}
- %fieldset.clearfix
- %button.formbutton{:disabled => true}=t 'reset'
- %button.formbutton{:disabled => true}=t 'save'
diff --git a/src/app/views/settings/index.html.haml b/src/app/views/settings/index.html.haml
index bf94499..7facec7 100644
--- a/src/app/views/settings/index.html.haml
+++ b/src/app/views/settings/index.html.haml
@@ -4,14 +4,6 @@
%ul.tiles{:class => 'container_16'}
- -#%li#services.grid_8.disabled
- = image_tag "blnk.png", :class => "icon", :alt => ""
- %h2
- = t('.define_services')
- %p
- = t('.define_services_desc')
- %button{:disabled => "disabled"}
- = t(:continue)
- if check_privilege(Privilege::MODIFY)
= image_tag "blnk.png", :class => "icon", :alt => ""
@@ -20,30 +12,4 @@
= t('.permissions_desc')
= link_to t(:continue), self_service_settings_path, :class => 'button'
- -#%li#settings.grid_8
- = image_tag "blnk.png", :class => "icon", :alt => ""
- %h2
- = t('.general_settings')
- %p
- = t('.general_settings_desc')
- = link_to t(:continue), general_settings_settings_path, :class => 'button'
- -#%li#locales.grid_8.disabled
- = image_tag "blnk.png", :class => "icon", :alt => ""
- %h2
- = t('.define_locales')
- %p
- = t('.define_locales_desc')
- %button{:disabled => "disabled"}
- = t(:continue)
- :javascript
- $(document).ready(function () {
- var $tiles = $(".tiles li:not(.disabled)").addClass('pointercursor');
- $ (e) {
- $e = $(;
- if (!$'.button')) {
- window.location = $('.button',this).attr('href');
- }
- });
- });
diff --git a/src/app/views/settings/self_service.html.haml b/src/app/views/settings/self_service.html.haml
index 2dedda4..5cd97ef 100644
--- a/src/app/views/settings/self_service.html.haml
+++ b/src/app/views/settings/self_service.html.haml
@@ -17,115 +17,9 @@
= hidden_field :self_service_default_quota, :id
- %label
- =t 'instances.instances.other'
- = t('.quota') + ":"
+ %label= t('.instances_quota')
= text_field :self_service_default_quota, :maximum_running_instances, :class => 'grid_5'
= link_to t('reset'), self_service_settings_path, :class => 'button pill'
= submit_tag t(:save), :class => "button pill"
- -#%fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_2.alpha Permissions:
- .grid_4 My personal Instances
- .grid_4 Full Instance Permission
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Edit
- )
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Remove
- )
- .grid_4.prefix_2.alpha
- %select.disabled{:disabled => true}
- %option
- Category of Instances
- .grid_4
- %ul.block
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "permission", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Control Instance - Can't Share
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "permission", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Control Instance - Can Share
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "permission", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Full Instance Permission
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "permission", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Custom ...
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Add
- )
- -#%h3 POOLS
- -#%fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_2.alpha Permissions:
- .grid_4 General Usage
- .grid_4 Regular Pool User
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Edit
- )
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Remove
- )
- .grid_4.prefix_2.alpha
- %select.disabled{:disabled => true}
- %option
- Category of Pools
- .grid_4
- %ul.block
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Limited Pool User
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Regular Pool User
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Advanced Pool User
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Custom ...
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Add
- )
- -#%fieldset.clearfix
- %label.grid_2.alpha Permissions:
- .grid_4 General Usage
- .grid_4 Basic Template User
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Edit
- )
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Remove
- )
- .grid_4.prefix_2.alpha
- %select.disabled{:disabled => true}
- %option
- Category of Templates
- .grid_4
- %ul.block
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Basic Template User
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled General Template User
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Advanced Template User
- %li
- %input{ :type => "radio", :name => "pooltype", :disabled => true}
- %label.disabled Custom ...
- (
- %a{:href=>'#'}> Add
- )
diff --git a/src/config/locales/en.yml b/src/config/locales/en.yml
index c6129ad..ae1738b 100644
--- a/src/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/src/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -940,38 +940,13 @@ en:
settings: Settings
- general_settings: General Settings
- general_settings_desc: Enable Self-service Account Registration, Setup Custom Branding, Manage Content Sources
- define_locales: Define Locales
- define_locales_desc: View, edit and define the names of locales that Aeolus Conductor will expose to its users. The meaning of the names will be defined by being mapped to the geographical locations offered by individual providers.
- manage_users: Manage Users
- manage_users_desc: View, edit, create and delete user accounts on Aeolus Conductor. Adjust quotas and privileges for users.
- define_hardware_profiles: Define Hardware Profiles
- define_hardware_profiles_desc: View, edit and define the names of the hardware profiles that Aeolus Conductor will expose to its users. The meaning of the names will be defined by being mapped to capabilities offered by individual providers.
- manage_providers: Manage Providers
- manage_providers_desc: View, edit and add providers of virtual compute resources to Aeolus Conductor. View, edit and add Aeolus Conductor accounts for these providers. Map provider-specific concepts to Aeolus Conductor.
- define_services: Define Services
- define_services_desc: View, edit and define services that Aeolus Conductor will offer. These services will be mapped to individual providers based on their capabilities.
permissions: Permissions
permissions_desc: Modify self-service default quota.
self_service_default: 'User Treatment: Self-service default'
account: Account
+ instances_quota: "Instances Quota:"
self_service_settings: "Self-service Settings"
- general_settings:
- general_settings: General Settings
- portal: Portal
- brand_icon: "Brand Icon:"
- tag_line: "Tag Line:"
- allow_self_service: "Allow Self Service Account Creation:"
- select_treatment: Select User Treatment
- primary_url_port: "Primary URL Port:"
- content: Content
- entitlement_mode: "Entitlement Mode:"
- user_brings_subscriptions: User Brings Subscriptions
- system_subscription: System Provides Subscription
- certificate: "Certitifcate:"
- content_manager_url: "Content Manager URL:"
not_updated_quota: "Could not update the default quota"
diff --git a/src/config/routes.rb b/src/config/routes.rb
index d24f039..7cef94d 100644
--- a/src/config/routes.rb
+++ b/src/config/routes.rb
@@ -170,13 +170,6 @@ Conductor::Application.routes.draw do
delete 'multi_destroy', :on => :collection
- resources :settings do
- collection do
- get 'self_service'
- get 'general_settings'
- end
- end
resources :pool_families do
collection do
delete 'multi_destroy'