[checkstyle] extending checkstyle to xml files

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Fri Nov 28 09:54:54 UTC 2014

On 2014-11-28 09:44, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
>> Am 28.11.2014 um 09:08 schrieb Thomas Segismont <tsegismo at redhat.com>:
>> I believe he's talking about transferring ownership of this repo to the rhq-project organization.
> His own? Couldn't  RHQ-project fork this and he then deletes his "master" ?
> But I do not think we should another repo for this, but instead use the bom-one or the integration-project one.
> Bom is probably better, as this one will be used/needed for all the sub projects, but the no one necessarily
> needs the integration project when he only wants to use on e.g. rhq-metrics

Yes, the BoM git repo seems to be a better candidate than the 
integration-project one.
Thinking aloud how this could be done:

(a) Add new module "rhq-checkstyle-config" under "alohomora-parent", 
using "alohomora-parent" groupId and release cycle in 
"rhq-checkstyle-config"? - Not good because we probably want to 
configure the checkstyle plugin in "alohomora-parent", but having 
"rhq-checkstyle-config" as a child of "alohomora-parent" and at the same 
time as a dependency of "alohomora-parent" is a dependency cycle.

(b) Add "rhq-checkstyle-config" as a plain subdirectory under 
"alohomora-parent". "rhq-checkstyle-config" would use a groupId and 
release cycle independent from "alohomora-parent". In this way, we could 
configure the checkstyle plugin in "alohomora-parent" without having a 
dependency cycle.

I personally find it messy to have independent things in the same git 
repo as in (b). I am still in favor of (c) having 
"rhq-checkstyle-config" artifact in a separate "rhq-checkstyle-config" repo.

-- P

>   Heiko
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