RHQ Release - master Branch Open

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Tue Feb 28 15:35:23 UTC 2012

Am 28.02.2012 um 16:29 schrieb Simeon Pinder:
> A worthy goal but as your experience here would support there is always at least one problem somewhere and some iteration that is necessary.  A branch gives you the isolation necessary to do or not do release iterations if need be and the other N developers on the team are not impacted.  Hands off or not we should take steps to anticipate the unexpected environment(hudson/brew) or code hiccups that do occur.  Think of it as insurance.

I agree. Locking is imo als no option if we get more contributors with direct commit rights, as in this case the likelihood of reaching everyone decreases. Unless git itself can be told to reject pushes for some time with a "frozen" comment.
Luckily a freeze is not as bad as it was in svn times, as working locally is still possible.


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