Tests using augeas may fail with augeas 0.8.1

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Wed May 25 21:53:40 UTC 2011

If you are using Fedora 14 and have augeas 0.8.1 installed, you won't be able 
to pass the unit tests of the cron plugin.

This is because the unit tests use the augeas libraries installed in the 
system and not the ones being bundled with the agent (we bundle version 0.7.1 
I think) and there seems to be a regression that makes the plugin not work 
with augeas version 0.8.1.

I raised a bug with the augeas project to track this 
(https://fedorahosted.org/augeas/ticket/200). Because our continous builds are 
executing the tests fine, I believe the hudson server has an older augeas 
version installed and therefore I think we don't need to disable the cron 
plugin tests at the moment.

What we might consider though is to make our tests use the exact version of 
augeas we are bundling.


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