meeting: bundle deployment to non-platforms

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Fri May 27 19:40:23 UTC 2011

On 05/27/2011 09:31 AM, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
> * I'm not sure I like the idea of mixing type knowledge (from the plugin
> descriptor) with recipes.   It just seems like it may open a can of
> worms with respect to upgrades.  And possibly may limit the ability to
> develop other bundle handlers (not that that was really on the horizon,
> though).  Waiting to see what Mazz's design doc revisions come up with
> here...
> * Originally bundles were designed to lay down complete servers (app
> server with apps already in place, etc).   The latest proposal moves
> toward smaller, one-off  deployments.  We may need to work out the
> semantics around when one bundle's deployment dir is a subdir of another
> bundle's deployment dir.  For example, bundle-1 is an app-server and
> bundle-2 is a web-app.  And then bundle-1 gets reverted...
> * Question - where is the deployment meta-data kept?  It can't be stored
> under the deploy directory, right?

Jay has me stymied on two of these. I documented all three here:

gonna have to think hard about the solutions to these.

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