Tests using augeas may fail with augeas 0.8.1

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Wed May 25 22:13:57 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
> If you are using Fedora 14 and have augeas 0.8.1 installed, you won't
> be able
> to pass the unit tests of the cron plugin.
> This is because the unit tests use the augeas libraries installed in
> the
> system and not the ones being bundled with the agent (we bundle
> version 0.7.1
> I think) and there seems to be a regression that makes the plugin not
> work
> with augeas version 0.8.1.
> I raised a bug with the augeas project to track this
> (https://fedorahosted.org/augeas/ticket/200). Because our continous
> builds are
> executing the tests fine, I believe the hudson server has an older
> augeas
> version installed and therefore I think we don't need to disable the
> cron
> plugin tests at the moment.
> What we might consider though is to make our tests use the exact
> version of augeas we are bundling.

Assuming this isn't a Herculean task, its exactly what we should do.
Can you raise a BZ for this?

In somewhat related news: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=707669

> Lukas
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