new refresh button (?)

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Tue Mar 29 16:32:48 UTC 2011

On 03/29/2011 12:19 PM, Charles Crouch wrote:
> What are the specific usecases where this is needed? Is this meant to replace F5?

not really to replace F5 - we don't want to refresh the entire 
javascript client app

> Otherwise this seems like a crutch to be used because auto-refresh is broken, e.g.
> -I add/delete an entity, then once that operation has succeeded the page that I'm viewing (including the tree) should automatically refresh to show the new state (entity added/gone)
> -Views providing insight into a flow of information e.g. autodiscovery portlet, should be refreshing automatically on a set schedule. If they are not, then thats a regression

Yes, it was for a crutch in case for some reason the full UI didn't 
refresh properly (which is the case regarding the left hand tree sometimes).

I doubt this is a full regression - I'm not convinced our left hand 
tree ALWAYS refreshed itself everytime something happened that changed it.

So, if you are convinced that we will fix every scenario where the right 
hand side requires a refresh of the left hand side tree, then we can get 
rid of the crutch. If you are convinced as such, pass the bong... :)

I'm leaning towards safety - when in doubt, provide a way to refresh 
WITHOUT requiring a full F5 refresh (which now requires you to answer 
"yes" to the popup dialog asking you to "leave RHQ" and then completely 
reloads the javascript app and then reloads all the data).

I just want to do the latter - reload all the data, without the app 
asking me to leave and forcing me to confirm then downloading the 
javascript app again.

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