RHQ GUI: how to deal with user clicking to navigate to view X and then clicking to navigate to view Y before X has finished loading

Robert Buck rbuck at redhat.com
Mon Aug 15 15:57:31 UTC 2011


I had some thoughts about how to solve this w/o re-engineering the 
GUI... I just had a conversation with Mazz about this to verify some 
details about the existing GWT code.

Possible Solution:

There are two types of requests that occur, user-initiated and 
non-user-initiated. For user-initiated requests, introduce the notion of 
a global request id; since the GUI is single threaded anyways, this 
should not matter. User-initiated requests MAY be chained (see example 
below) where a single user action causes multiple nested, logically 
associated requests, to be dispatched against the server. The key or 
mouse event that initially triggers a request chain is the initiating 
event. Have the initiating event create a new unique request-id (UUID), 
have it immediately and atomically set the [newly introduced] global 
request-id state. When RPC requests are sent to the server, tag each 
request with the request-id. Responses from the server are tagged with 
the same request id as was sent by the client (all perfectly ordinary 
HTTP). When async responses are received from the server, have the async 
handlers perform a atomic_compare operation; if the operation evaluates 
to true, permit the response to be rendered, otherwise drop the response 
on the floor.


  user request A: -->
      inner request A1 -->
      async response <-- A1
      inner request A2 -->
   user request B: -->
     inner request A3 ---> (DROPPED OUTBOUND)
     inner request B1 -->
     async response <-- A2 (DROPPED INBOUND)
     inner request B2 -->
     inner request B3 -->


If two user-initiated requests are triggered at very nearly the same 
time (see example below), there is an opportunity to optimize the 
request pipeline by filtering out requests to be sent if the current 
request-id does not match (don't send out A3).

User-initiated requests land you on a new page (in the example, A and B 
are user-initiated actions). If this is the case, then there is a 
possibility that the user gets a partially rendered view A before it 
re-renders as view B, but view B will not contain any inconsistent data, 
it will be a consistent view.

Key Classes:


On 08/15/2011 10:28 AM, Ian Springer wrote:
> Here's an example of how fast user clicking can cause GUI code to be
> executed in the wrong order thereby causing exceptions and/or unexpected
> behavior. The steps listed are executed in order:
> 1) user clicks on Resource X in tree - browser intercepts click and
> calls onClick event handler for tree node
> 2) getResourceComposite(X) async server call is made - control returns
> to browser while waiting for async call to return
> 3) user clicks on Resource Y in tree - browser intercepts click and
> calls onClick event handler for tree node
> 4) getResourceComposite(Y) async server call is made - control returns
> to browser while waiting for async call to return
> 5) getResourceComposite(X) async server call returns and browser calls
> onSuccess() handler which continues rendering X detail view
> At this point we're in an inconsistent state because we've begun
> rendering both the detail view for X and the detail view for Y at the
> same time and both are updating the same ResourceDetailView (resource
> header, tabs, etc.).
> Essentially any async server calls provide windows of opportunity for
> the browser to handle user clicks before GUI code is fully done drawing
> the view corresponding to a prior user click.
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