RHQ GUI: how to deal with user clicking to navigate to view X and then clicking to navigate to view Y before X has finished loading

Ian Springer ian.springer at redhat.com
Mon Aug 15 14:28:20 UTC 2011

Here's an example of how fast user clicking can cause GUI code to be 
executed in the wrong order thereby causing exceptions and/or unexpected 
behavior. The steps listed are executed in order:

1) user clicks on Resource X in tree - browser intercepts click and 
calls onClick event handler for tree node
2) getResourceComposite(X) async server call is made - control returns 
to browser while waiting for async call to return
3) user clicks on Resource Y in tree - browser intercepts click and 
calls onClick event handler for tree node
4) getResourceComposite(Y) async server call is made - control returns 
to browser while waiting for async call to return
5) getResourceComposite(X) async server call returns and browser calls 
onSuccess() handler which continues rendering X detail view

At this point we're in an inconsistent state because we've begun 
rendering both the detail view for X and the detail view for Y at the 
same time and both are updating the same ResourceDetailView (resource 
header, tabs, etc.).

Essentially any async server calls provide windows of opportunity for 
the browser to handle user clicks before GUI code is fully done drawing 
the view corresponding to a prior user click.

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