RHQ GUI: how to deal with user clicking to navigate to view X and then clicking to navigate to view Y before X has finished loading

Ian Springer ian.springer at redhat.com
Mon Aug 15 16:31:48 UTC 2011

This is a good idea and I think worth prototyping. We'd have to make 
sure that, when our RPC framework dropped responses, that the 
onFailure() methods would not get called on the async callback; 
otherwise an error message would still get displayed in the message bar.

I understand how inbound RPC responses could be dropped if the uuids 
didn't match, but regarding the below line, how would it know to drop an 
outbound RPC request? Are you thinking that views would store the 
current request uuid in a member variable at the time they are 
constructed and then compare that with the current request uuid prior to 
each RPC invocation?

On 08/15/2011 11:57 AM, Robert Buck wrote:
> inner request A3 --->  (DROPPED OUTBOUND)

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