RHQ in Japanese

Michael Foley mfoley at redhat.com
Tue Apr 26 12:25:26 UTC 2011

That's a really good question.

While I am not sure about the specific issues that Minamoto-San is encountering in translating RHQ into Japanese .... perhaps the question could be broken down into the issues of internationalization and localization.

A good link on the topic:  http://www.objectsource.com/j2eechapters/Ch19-I18N_and_L10N.htm

First the application needs to be internationalized ... and this means enabling the application to run in different languages and regions.  Internationalization involves things like moving strings to ResourceBundles.  And then comes the process of Localization ... text, and number formats, and images, etc... in the specific locales that are supported.

I am curious to know if Minamoto-san's issues are more issues with the internationalization of the RHQ application ... or specifically the localization of RHQ into Japanese.

Also ... there may be an opportunity for some QA/testing activities to identify some of these issues.  

There is some cost associated with 18n/l10n ...development ...testing ... but also potential opportunity.   I'd like to learn more about what RHQ currently supports in this regard ... Is there a document or link on RHQ's i18n/l10n plans?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Heiko W.Rupp" <hrupp at redhat.com>
To: rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org
Cc: "Fusayuki Minamoto" <fminamot at redhat.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:30:43 AM
Subject: RHQ in Japanese


Minamoto-san is currently looking at translating RHQ into Japanese - and as you can see he is making good progress.
But some things don't yet work well
- the title bar elements are too small for Japanese  (red circle )
- some items are not yet translatable  (blue marker)

How can we help him?


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