How to internationalise the rhq-plugin descriptor file

Greg Hinkle ghinkle at
Fri Jul 9 13:46:38 UTC 2010

The design was to use the natural key of the type along with 
an index to visibile string. I created a parser l10n properties 
file generator for the plugin system. The main reason for this 
would be readable descriptor files with no plugin dev overhead 
until you're ready to translate. 

<plugin name="Hibernate">
  <server name="Hiberate">
     <service name="Entity">
         <metric name="Loads"/>
         <operation name="reset"/>

Would translate into

Then the idea was a transform layer in the UI that could be given a 
set of ResourceTypes and would localize them on their way out of the 
server layer. The reason to put it at that layer would be to let the 
cli and other interfaces localize as well. Wonder how we could make 
this work with the new search system... that wasn't around when this 
was thought of.


On Jul 8, 2010, at 11:11 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:

> That's what our original ideas were :)
> On 07/08/2010 10:41 AM, Michael Musgrove wrote:
>> As a quick/naive implementation couldn't the plugin descriptor parser
>> assume that the strings are keys and look up the key in the resouce
>> bundle for the current locale. If there is no such bundle or if the key
>> isn't found then the parser just uses the text as is.
>> Mike
>>> this was briefly discussed with some prototyping done a long time ago:
>>> ç
>>> we have some ideas how to do it - but i18n wasn't high on the priority
>>> list and no one available to do it.
>>> On 07/08/2010 09:49 AM, Michael Musgrove wrote:
>>>> There are plenty of strings in the rhq-plugin.xml file that end up
>>>> getting displayed in the console. Is there any mechanism for
>>>> internationalising this text?
>>>> If not has the topic already discussed or can we kick off a thread to
>>>> get this resolved.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mike
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