How to internationalise the rhq-plugin descriptor file

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Thu Jul 8 15:11:46 UTC 2010

That's what our original ideas were :)

On 07/08/2010 10:41 AM, Michael Musgrove wrote:
> As a quick/naive implementation couldn't the plugin descriptor parser
> assume that the strings are keys and look up the key in the resouce
> bundle for the current locale. If there is no such bundle or if the key
> isn't found then the parser just uses the text as is.
> Mike
>> this was briefly discussed with some prototyping done a long time ago:
>> we have some ideas how to do it - but i18n wasn't high on the priority
>> list and no one available to do it.
>> On 07/08/2010 09:49 AM, Michael Musgrove wrote:
>>> There are plenty of strings in the rhq-plugin.xml file that end up
>>> getting displayed in the console. Is there any mechanism for
>>> internationalising this text?
>>> If not has the topic already discussed or can we kick off a thread to
>>> get this resolved.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike
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