leaking classloaders

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Fri Jul 23 12:30:25 UTC 2010

If anyone is interested in helping me analyze heap dumps to find where 
we are leaking classloaders, let me know. I think I need another pair of 
eyes. I can give folks my hprofs if you know how to analyze them and/or 
we can review them together. This is the BZ: 

For sure we leaked EMS classloaders due to a SUN JVM bug - that much I 
am certain. And I fixed it locally on my box. If you care, this is the 
SUN bug - http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6727821 - 
I'm still baffled why they are caching this context classloader in a 
static data member, but they are and it causes problems and we need code 
to workaround it. In addition, our JBossAS 5 plugin and EMS is storing a 
JBoss-specific Configuration object inside this javax Configuration 
object (see Configuration.setConfiguration()) and thus leaks that object 
and its classloader.

Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the entire problem. Running in 
JProfiler, I still see perm gen leaking. Doing a "plugins update" 
numerous times will eventually result in an OOM-PermGen. This only 
happens if you are managing JBossAS instances.

So what I did was I captured 5 hprof heap dumps:

1) the first at agent startup with --nostart --nonative --console=java 
option. This is the agent core started, but the PC is not started and 
there is no native code enabled. Memory footprint is very small, and 
only our input thread is running.

2) the second hprof is taken after I did a "start" - the PC is started 
and it has JBossAS instance in inventory.

3) the third is taken after a "shutdown" - all threads are dead but the 
input thread. At this point, this hprof should be able to see leaked 

4) I started the PC again via "start" and took a fourth hprof

5) Finally, I "shutdown" the agent internals a second time and took 
another hprof.

At this point, if we compare hprof #1 vs. #5, they should be very 
similar but due to the leakage, we should be able to compare the two and 
find the leakages. This is the part I'm having problems with. This is 
how I found the javax Configuration leak, but I haven't found anything 

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