How to internationalise the rhq-plugin descriptor file

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Thu Jul 8 15:00:48 UTC 2010


Am 08.07.2010 um 16:41 schrieb Michael Musgrove:

> As a quick/naive implementation couldn't the plugin descriptor parser 
> assume that the strings are keys and look up the key in the resouce 
> bundle for the current locale. If there is no such bundle or if the key 
> isn't found then the parser just uses the text as is.

Currently, we are parsing the plugin descriptor when loading the plugin
and are putting the strings like name, description, ... into the database, from
where the biz layer reads an entity later and just passed it to the UI layer.
In RHQ this happens only once.
In EmbeddedJopr ( = AS admin console) it happens at every start.
So in Embeded Jopr we could determine the user language when the
console is first loaded, deploy those translated strings to the Entity layer
and be done (with the effect that a 2nd user of the same AS with a
different language setting would see what the 1st has selected.)

For RHQ server, we can still deploy the strings/tokens to the database,
but then the UI layer needs to be able to 'see' the language specific
translations. Which means on parsing of the plugin descriptor we need to also
parse the properties bundles and put that stuff into a central string storage.
Actually now that I am writing about it, I recall that I have done such a thing
in a different life seven years ago. Could be interesting to prototype this.


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