ability to limit the UI view to one server

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at redhat.com
Fri Apr 11 07:44:15 UTC 2014

Stef Walter <stefw at redhat.com> writes:

> Are you working on this right now? In which case I can work with you
> next week to get this done.

I think this might do it:


This allows you to omit the "All" button in the breadcrumb trail by
using a URL like


> Cool to see Cockpit starting to be used in other contexts.

Indeed!  I have just talked with Alexander here and they would like to
embed Cockpit into the FreeIPA UI to show logs!

We might need a way to hide our navgation header and maybe add more
options to the URL to control the journal filter, but then this should
be quite feasible as well.

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