[cobbler] Kickstart generation failes with "BOOTAPI instance has no attribute 'kickgen'

Speagle , Andy Andy.Speagle at netapp.com
Thu Feb 6 17:43:22 UTC 2014

Howdy Folks,

I'm working on setting up a remote Cobbler instance that replicates from a master.  However, I'm having an issue with the remote.  The master Cobbler server doesn't suffer this problem.  When I run a simple "getks" ... such as:

cobbler profile getks --name=<some profile>

I get the standard render failure:

# This kickstart had errors that prevented it from being rendered correctly.
# The cobbler.log should have information relating to this failure.

And looking in the cobbler.log ... I see this.

Thu Feb  6 11:39:53 2014 - INFO | REMOTE generate_kickstart; user(?)
Thu Feb  6 11:39:53 2014 - INFO | generate_kickstart
Thu Feb  6 11:39:53 2014 - INFO | Exception occured: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
Thu Feb  6 11:39:53 2014 - INFO | Exception value: BootAPI instance has no attribute 'kickgen'
Thu Feb  6 11:39:53 2014 - INFO | Exception Info:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cobbler/remote.py", line 1025, in generate_kickstart
    return self.api.generate_kickstart(profile,system)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cobbler/api.py", line 684, in generate_kickstart
    return self.kickgen.generate_kickstart_for_profile(profile)

Can someone point me in the right direction?


Andy Speagle
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