[Beaker-devel] OpenStack based dynamic virtualization

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at redhat.com
Wed Dec 18 08:23:39 UTC 2013

We've been talking about possibly changing the existing dynamic
virtualization to work with OpenStack instead of oVirt for a while, and
I've now hammered that into a hopefully coherent concrete proposal:


The key points in there are too:

- associate lab controllers with OpenStack regions
- map host filtering to flavour filtering
- generate bootstrap images in Glance as part of distro import
- use the bootstrap images for dynamic provisioning (rather than
configuring netboot and then rebooting the system)
- ensure console logging is hooked up properly

Provisioning based on specific images is explicitly deferred, since we'd
have to map a bunch of the stuff we do in the kickstart post to
cloud-init, and I'd prefer to put that off to a later iteration. By
contrast, I think everything above is essential for dynamic
virtualisation to be as good as what people are used to with bare metal
provisioning (the lack of console logging with no obvious way to add it
was one of the final nails in the coffin of the previous oVirt based


Nick Coghlan
Red Hat Hosted & Shared Services
Software Engineering & Development, Brisbane

Testing Solutions Team Lead
Beaker Development Lead (http://beaker-project.org/)

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