Image Management Engine Vote (2)

Justin Clift jclift at
Fri Sep 14 18:50:17 UTC 2012

On 15/09/2012, at 2:13 AM, Jason Guiditta wrote:
> Also, I say we drop "I don't care" so as not to waste votes, and could
> we drop 'rembrandt' as an option?  I just plain hate that name.

Heh, please no.  I like it. ;)

> New additions/changes:
> * 'gabelstapler' -Personally, I think this is just too obscure, though we   could put it on the list and see if I am alone there (for a change).
> * I think 'hanger' should be spelled 'hangar', since that is the spelling for
> the place you keep a plane - what would the other be, a clothes hanger?
> * ime (a la iwhd)
> * zax
> * other children's book-inspired names (thanks for the theme idea
>  morazi!)
> * reconsider cereal theme?  ;)  (/me files that away for his own
>  projects...)
> Lastly, let's put this in a new email thread, so it doesn't get
> buried(?).

For a revote, let's just pick the top 3 from the previous run
(of the non-taken ones), to focus the potentials?

+ Justin

Aeolus Community Manager

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