Hi Naman,
Am Do., 26. März 2020 um 14:01 Uhr schrieb Naman Dhingra namandhingra100@gmail.com:
May anyone please try to give a bit explanation on what's been asked in the very first part of the section "Possible Initial Tasks" where we've been asked to port one of the old tests to use the same format as the new tests. What does this really mean?
this shows how someone did this: https://github.com/linux-system-roles/network/pull/160
There are already two other open PRs for the remaining tests. Please provide feedback there. At least one of them is faulty because it fails the CI. Maybe you can spot the error and test it locally.
Thank you Till
Looking forward to an early response. Thanks, Naman _______________________________________________ systemroles mailing list -- systemroles@lists.fedorahosted.org To unsubscribe send an email to systemroles-leave@lists.fedorahosted.org Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/ List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/systemroles@lists.fedorahosted....