Hi Naman,
Am Do., 26. März 2020 um 08:15 Uhr schrieb Naman Dhingra namandhingra100@gmail.com:
First of all, I really liked this idea of how we're trying to uniformly handle the configurations for Network-Scripts and NetworkManager. Moreover the thought to automate it via Ansible is a very good fit on a whole.
Telling a bit about myself, I'm a final year B.Tech CSE student, being Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation and some other tools, so I do have the knowledge about the power of Ansible tool and how most of the things in it goes on.
I would really appreciate if you can share some more info. about this so that I can prepare a proposal for it and submit.
please take a look at https://github.com/linux-system-roles/network/wiki - if you have specific questions, please use this mailing list.
Thanks, Till