Hi All,
I won't be able to attend tomorrows meeting but I should be available to chat shortly thereafter.
Somethings I'd like to bring up in my absence
* Sway Kickstart ISOs are currently semi-automated and available at https://sway-sig.kutara.io/iso
* Shortly after Kickstart ISOs automation is completed ostree will likely move to https://sway-sig.kutara.io/ostree (I'll update more info on that later. It will also likely be available on it's old location as well)
* I think we should start committing to a login manager soon. There's seems to not be a clear cut winner so maybe we should lay out some pros/cons of our options
* Great work to Aleksei, Jiri, and anyone else involved working though libcombs, fedora-sway-config, and Kickstart ground work
* In the coming days I'd love to update our Change Proposal on ways to test the spin, and minor details about fedora-sway-config. I've been holding off a refactor on it until I iron some of our automated builds.
In my eyes we're close to having a solid foundation and being able to start working on the fun stuff very soon :)
Thanks, Anthony
On 8/23/22 18:13, Aleksei Bavshin wrote:
/* begin fedocal message template */ You are kindly invited to the meeting: Fedora Sway SIG on 2022-08-24 from 14:00:00 to 15:00:00 UTC At fedora-sway(a)irc.libera.chat
The meeting will be about: Bi-weekly meeting to discuss progress of the Fedora Sway Spin development:
Local time: `date -d '14:00 UTC'` (`env TZ=Europe/Prague date -d '14:00 UTC'` for non-default timezone)
IRC: [#fedora-sway at libera.chat](https://web.libera.chat/?channels=#fedora-sway)
Matrix: [#sway:fedoraproject.org](https://matrix.to/#/#sway:fedoraproject.org) /* end fedocal message template */
Meeting agenda:
- Continue talking about the ostree variant name. Please, also check the naming scheme suggested in a new policy[1],
as it seems to satisfy the demand for a clear, understandable name.
- Environment variables, virtual GPU compatibility hacks, etc. - see
two pending pull requests in fedora-sway-configs.
- List of included software. Launcher, terminal, notifications,
whatever else we have time to talk about.
- Open floor and general progress discussion.
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