A quick heads up. I spent a little time getting aquatinted with copr and think I have figured out the basics. I'll have a look tomorrow to see if I can things closer to actually building on f29 and f30.
On April 1, 2019 3:07:56 PM GMT+02:00, qrsBRWN qrsbrwn@uidzero.se wrote:
On April 1, 2019 1:19:58 PM GMT+02:00, "Jan Staněk" jstanek@redhat.com wrote:
Hi Markus!
On 31. 03. 19 14:11, qrsBRWN wrote:
This we need to get quickly to option 1 afterwards it may have
it's purpose though
From my experience, creating module is rather time consuming, and I have not yet wrapped my head around it properly. Although it is the correct way forward to have it shipped in Fedora, for quick'n'dirty packages for testing purposes COPR may be better.
Yeah modules is uncharted territory for me too. I'm thinking along to lines that to get to a module we at least need a COPR for testing. I will have to be pretty much a permanent fixture so there's no question about where to get the correct version of the handful of packages that needs to be tested together.
If you are willing to create/maintain one, we could probably declare
the "official Sway SIG COPR", with a disclaimer "for testing purposes only" and a link to the module/installation instructions once they are ready.
While I am eager to do my part in getting sway 1.0 into Fedora I also have 3 kids which makes my time unreliable. Getting time to test and bug report is much easier since I can run sway as my daily driver and weave testing into my ordinary work days. That said, if we can't find a more suitable candidate that has a more predictable time output (aka fewer or older kids) I guess it kinda defaults to me.
Have a nice day, Jan
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