On April 2, 2019 8:52:36 AM GMT+02:00, Till Hofmann thofmann@fedoraproject.org wrote:
On 4/1/19 11:40 PM, qrsBRWN wrote:
A quick heads up. I spent a little time getting aquatinted with copr
think I have figured out the basics. I'll have a look tomorrow to see
I can things closer to actually building on f29 and f30.
I can highly recommend setting up the packages in your COPR such that they directly fetch the SPEC from src.fp.o: https://docs.pagure.org/copr.copr/user_documentation.html#scm
That way you don't really need to do much other than adding those mappings.
Yeah, that was a pleasant surprise. Right now I'm getting my head around build types in meson since wlroots won't build with the recent changes in meson. This is much more fun than expected.
Kind regards, Till
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