Hi all, The rcssserver3d package is approved (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=450409), but I should have more activity to be sponsored. So, I've decided to start packaging the 2D server. The first package I've created is rcssbase package (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=454940). And hopefully I'll be able to create a package for rcssserver (which depends on rcssbase package) soon.
Any comments about creating good packages so that I can be sponsored sooner is highly appreciated :). I'll try to participate in your package reviews too. Good reviews will help me become sponsored.
Finally, suddenly many things changed for me, and it seems that I'll be in China for the competitions too.
Have a nice time, Hedayat
Hedayat Vatankhah schrieb:
Hi all,
Hi Hedayat.
to create a package for rcssserver (which depends on rcssbase package) soon.
Finally, suddenly many things changed for me, and it seems that I'll be in China for the competitions too.
Great! If you can make it you can probably find me in the RoboCup@Home arena or at the SPL (Nao) soccer fields.
Hi Tim, Thanks! :) OK, I'll try to find you.
Good luck, Hedayat
/*Tim Niemueller tim@niemueller.de*/ wrote on 07/11/2008 01:59:13 PM:
Hedayat Vatankhah schrieb:
Hi all,
Hi Hedayat.
to create a package for rcssserver (which depends on rcssbase package) soon.
Finally, suddenly many things changed for me, and it seems that I'll be in China for the competitions too.
Great! If you can make it you can probably find me in the RoboCup@Home arena or at the SPL (Nao) soccer fields.