Thanks for your interests.
For MIPS related, you can subscribe to the MIPS list. And currently
someone from the Imagination Technology are working on Fedora MIPS for
Creator Ci20 board, so you may work on Fedora MIPS together.
On 9/1/15, youbest(a) <youbest(a)> wrote:
> We are a Linux/GNU System development team from China, we have Fedora
> 21 in more than 13000 software packages to the mips64el architecture, and we
> are still in the process of transplanting. the official version of the
> current not have MIPS architecture, we want to contribute to the Fedora
> community, we want to formally create a branch of MIPS in Fedora system.
> The repo of our system:
> We want to know the right way to Fedora.
> Thanks.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur(a)>
> To: infrastructure(a)
> Subject: Re: I want to join Fedora Linux Community
> Date: 2015-08-28 18:36
> On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 16:54 +0800, youbest(a) wrote:
>> I want to join the development of Fedora Linux OS, I mainly do the
>> work of the operating system transplantation, I am not sure to join
>> which mailing list.
>> I would like to ask what is the main work involved in the Fedor
>> infrastructure group?
> Hiya!
> The infrastructure team handles well.. all the infrastructure that the
> community needs - the build systems, the account systems, and so on.
> The entire list of the applications can be found here:
> You can find more information on the skills required to work with
> Fedora infrastructure on their wiki page here:
> If you do have any queries, you can always ask them here.
> Alternatively, we also have a mailing list dedicated to new people
> looking to join the community here:
> --
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
> _______________________________________________
> infrastructure mailing list
> infrastructure(a)