Hi Michal,
Thanks a lot for your brilliant work! We will test the eclipse rpms right now.
By the way, we are starting to submit the eclipse patches to eclipse.org.
Do you have plan to build Hadoop and Docker? These two packages are
extensively needed in cloud computing and big-data servers. Hadoop is
mainly written in Java plus some native libraries in C. Docker is based on
Golang. We found both the original source codes can not be built successfuly
without patches for mips-specific platforms.
Jin Guojie
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Michal.Toman";<michal.toman(a)imgtec.com>;
Send time: Wednesday, Mar 1, 2017 6:12 AM
To: "Jin Guojie"<jinguojie(a)loongson.cn>;
Cc: "mips"<mips(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>; "nanxiongchao"<nanxiongchao(a)loongson.cn>; "wanglei"<wanglei(a)loongson.cn>;
Subject: Re: [NEW RPM] Eclipse-4.6.2 for Fedora25 mips64el
eclipse should now be available in F25 repositories. I have built two
versions - 4.6.2-1.1.fc25 with bootstrap enabled and 4.6.2-2.1.fc25 with
bootstrap disabled. Only the latter is included in the repo. Could you
please confirm it works?
I did not build any other Java packages for F25, please let me know if
you need anything specific. The full Java stack unblocked by having
eclipse will come with F26.
On 02/23/2017 10:06 PM, Michal Toman wrote:
> Hi Jin,
> I am making good progress with eclipse, I have managed to build
> jansi-native and netty-tcnative. eclipse build is running at this moment
> but it takes ages to finish. As long as nothing crashes it should be
> ready in a day or two.
> The nodejs build dies with SIGBUS which is a strange error, it is likely
> a bug somewhere in our toolchain - might be some missing kernel config
> option, too much compiler optimizations, broken linker or something
> else, I am looking into that but this will take time. On 32-bit mipsel
> nodejs used to work but it is broken now as well so I am bisecting the
> builds to get an idea when it got broken.
> Michal
> On 02/23/2017 04:06 AM, Jin Guojie wrote:
>> Hi Michal,
>> How are things going on?
>> Have you built nodejs and eclipse successfully? We are glad to provide
>> help when needed.
>> By the way, we are planning to build firefox on mips64el. This may
>> take a time.
>> Thanks,
>> Jin Guojie
>> ----------------- Original ------------------
>> From: "Michal.Toman";<michal.toman(a)imgtec.com>;
>> Send time: Friday, Feb 17, 2017 8:25 PM
>> To: "Wanglei"<wanglei(a)loongson.cn>;
>> Cc: "Jin Guojie"<jinguojie(a)loongson.cn>;
>> "mips"<mips(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>;
>> "nanxiongchao"<nanxiongchao(a)loongson.cn>;
>> Subject: Re: [NEW RPM] Eclipse-4.6.2 for Fedora25 mips64el
>> Hi,
>> good to see that. The major issue I am having with eclipse is
>> bootstrapping jansi-native, netty-tcnative and eclipse-equinox-osgi from
>> scratch without the full maven stack depending on them. A quick look at
>> your build logs suggests you already had those working.
>> Could you please advise how did you do the initial bootstrap? IOW how
>> did you build jansi-native, netty-tcnative and eclipse-equinox-osgi
>> having no previous builds?
>> Thanks,
>> Michal
>> On 02/17/2017 10:54 AM, Wanglei wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> eclipse packages for mips64el have buid ok.(build with mock)
>>> http://ftp.loongnix.org/os/fedora25/submit/eclipse
>>> some BuildRequire noarch packages used x86's
>>> Note: I build the eclipse version is 4.6.2, the orig source rpm is
>>> download at
>>> http://koji.fedoraprojet.org