*Meeting Summary:* This time 3 external users besides Brew team joined this Koji Community meeting, We shared released features on Koji1.18 and general planning on Koji1.19, It seemed no much more feedback on Koji right now. we'll continue to collect the feedback and please let us know any issue you concern. More detail please check the following notes. *Recordings:* https://bluejeans.com/s/GrE2L/ *Attendees:* Chris O'Brien , Jon Disnard, Dennis Gregorovic, Yuli Wang, Brendan Reilly, Mike McLean, Tomas Kopecek, Yu Ming Zhu, Jana Cupova, Tim Waugh *Meeting Notes:* 1.Koji update:
- *Koji 1.18 released*
- Announcement: https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/koji-devel@lists.fedorahosted.o...
- Release Notes: https://docs.pagure.org/koji/release_notes_1.18/
- Changes: https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.18/
- major features
- new multicall interface much mutlticall much, much easier to use
- srpm rebuild for uploaded srpms
- provides consistent behavior with builds from source code control
- new API for content generators to reserve build NVRs
- avoids NVR collision at import time
- per-tag configuration of rpm macros
- something that community members have been asking for for a while
- especially useful for setting dist rpm macro
- new system for users to opt out of notifications
- before there were some situations where users would get email and couldn't opt out. now they can
- granular admin permissions
- not a complete breakdown of the admin permission, but addresses some common use cases where uses used to need admin and now won't
- *Koji1.19*
- Proposed issues so far - https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.19/%EF%BC%9A 18 open issues 6 closed.
- Focus is going to be mostly on existing PRs, particularly easy fixes: https://pagure.io/koji/pull-requests
- Might end up with a 1.18.1 patch release
- 73 PRs open
- *MBS(Modular Build Service) plans*
- maintained by F2 team within RH before
- move to koji team, no specific plan, need time do the investigation
*2. Review last Koji meeting Action items:* 1) Ken & Neal help with talking to people from different team to identify issues list.
- - both of them not on call this time, Dennis need reach out them offline.
2) Mike Double Check Koji1.18 planning. - done and released
3. Community feedback / input
- *Koji CI instance* - Tomas
- Currently we're using https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ci.centos.org/job/koji/ Is it still preferred instance for fedora's CI for pagure? It seems, that latest env is still F29 there and I would like to run tests on F30 and even rawhide. Is it something which should I request from admins, or is there some newer preferred test machine?
- https://jenkins-fedora-infra.apps.ci.centos.org/
--- Thanks, Yuli