On ma, 06 marras 2017, SOLER SANGUESA Miguel via FreeIPA-users wrote:
I want to do a one-way AD trust on a multidatacenter environment. This is the topology (2 AD servers and 2 IPA servers on each location replicated each other):
DATACENTER1: AD1dc1.ad.example.com AD2dc1.ad.example.com IPA1dc1.ipa.example.com IPA2dc1.ipa.example.com
DATACENTER2: AD1dc2.ad.example.com AD2dc2.ad.example.com IPA1dc2.ipa.example.com IPA2dc2.ipa.example.com
The problem I see is that I execute "ipa trust-add" it will connect to any of the 4 AD servers as it searchs for the SRV records, and I want (I think is the best option) IPA servers to connect just the AD servers on their datacenter: _SERVICE._PROTOCOL[.dc._msdcs]
and I want to use SRV records with sites like: # dig +short -t SRV _kerberos._udp.dc1-Site._sites.ad.example.com. 0 100 88 AD1dc1.ad.example.com. 0 100 88 AD2dc1.ad.example.com.
# dig +short -t SRV _kerberos._udp.dc2-Site._sites.ad.example.com. 0 100 88 AD1dc2.ad.example.com. 0 100 88 AD2dc2.ad.example.com.
I was wondering creating the trust using the DNS of the site (only resolves IPs of the AD servers on this datacenter), for example from IPA1dc1.ipa.example.com: ipa trust-add --type=ad ad.example.com --server=dc1.ad.example.com --trust-secret
But the problem here is: How I configure IPA servers on Datacenter2 to connect to AD servers on datacenter2 (DNS: dc2.ad.example.com)?
Define sites in AD, then SSSD on IPA servers will use those sites. With recent SSSD in RHEL/CentOS 7.4 one can use subdomains to pin to speicific AD servers in sssd.conf.
When trust is established, we also use CLDAP ping to do discovery of a domain controller closest to us. So if your AD configured properly, DCs should be replying with an information about DCs closest to the client (IPA server in it case).