I've got a small environment which had until recently 2 IPA servers. Both CentOS 7.4.1708
Version info:
id1: Name : ipa-server Version : 4.5.0 Release : 21.el7.centos.2.2 Kernel: 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 389-ds-base is at version
id5: Name : ipa-server Version : 4.5.0 Release : 21.el7.centos.2.2 Kernel: 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 389-ds-base is at version
I recently had an issue with high IO/load, and noted that the following file: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-PROD-MYDOMAIN-COM/cldb/<long-filename>.db was huge (5GB-ish) in a very small 2-master environment. This is on the master. My understanding is that the entries in this file, which have timestamps from months ago, exist because of failed replication. I don't understand how to clear this without breaking things.
Second issue; not sure if related:
I've since lost the replica (id2) but I've prepared a new machine (id5) to be a new replica of id1. I've cleaned the RUVs and deleted the replication agreements but when I join the new machine to the existing one using `ipa-replica-install` then I get the following on the replica:
################ Starting replication, please wait until this has completed. Update in progress, 10 seconds elapsed [ldap://id1.prod.mydomain.com:389] reports: Update failed! Status: [-11 connection error: Unknown connection error (-11) - Total update aborted]
[error] RuntimeError: Failed to start replication Your system may be partly configured. Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.
ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(CompatServerReplicaInstall): ERROR Failed to start replication ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(CompatServerReplicaInstall): ERROR The ipa-replica-install command failed. See /var/log/ipareplica-install.log for more information [root@id5 ~]# ipa-replica-manage re-initialize --from id1.prod.mydomain.com Re-run /usr/sbin/ipa-replica-manage with --verbose option to get more information Unexpected error: cannot connect to 'ldaps://id5.prod.mydomain.com:636': ################
and the following on the master:
################ [14/Nov/2017:10:05:28.671905981 +0000] - INFO - NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl5_tot_run - Beginning total update of replica "agmt="cn=meToid5.prod.mydomain.com" (id5:389)". [14/Nov/2017:10:05:38.031033860 +0000] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl5_tot_log_operation_failure - agmt="cn=meToid5.prod.mydomain.com" (id5:389): Received error -1 (Can't contact LDAP server): for total update operation [14/Nov/2017:10:05:38.032272148 +0000] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - release_replica - agmt="cn=meToid5.prod.mydomain.com" (id5:389): Unable to send endReplication extended operation (Can't contact LDAP server) [14/Nov/2017:10:05:38.095893236 +0000] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl5_tot_run - Total update failed for replica "agmt="cn=meToid5.prod.mydomain.com" (id5:389)", error (-11) [14/Nov/2017:10:05:38.113388624 +0000] - INFO - NSMMReplicationPlugin - bind_and_check_pwp - agmt="cn=meToid5.prod.mydomain.com" (id5:389): Replication bind with GSSAPI auth resumed [14/Nov/2017:10:05:38.425682940 +0000] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl5_inc_run - agmt="cn=meToid5.prod.mydomain.com" (id5:389): The remote replica has a different database generation ID than the local database. You may have to reinitialize the remote replica, or the local replica. ################
I've checked the firewalls on both machines, and gone as far as to flush all the iptables rules to get it to work. No luck.
I'm also getting hundreds of the last line "different database generation ID" but my understanding is that this is only logged because the replica is yet to be set up.
Would anyone please be able to provide some guidance? I've been at this for a few days now!
Thanks! MIke