I have FreeIPA and Active Directory on our network and am attempting to follow the [ https://www.freeipa.org/page/Active_Directory_trust_setup | official instructions ] for getting a trust set up.
I'm down to the section where I run ipa trust-add to set up the trust. I've set up and verified DNS forwarding on both ends.
Here is the output I'm stuck on:
[root@ipa2 conf.d]# ipa -v trust-add --type ad ad.mimsoftware.com --admin Administrator --password ipa: INFO: trying https://ipa2.mimsoftware.com/ipa/json ipa: INFO: [try 1]: Forwarding 'schema' to json server 'https://ipa2.mimsoftware.com/ipa/json' ipa: INFO: trying https://ipa2.mimsoftware.com/ipa/session/json Active Directory domain administrator's password: ipa: INFO: [try 1]: Forwarding 'trust_add/1' to json server 'https://ipa2.mimsoftware.com/ipa/session/json' ipa: ERROR: an internal error has occurred
Any ideas where to begin troubleshooting? If I try this same process in the browser interface, it throws an error:
"AD DC was unable to reach any IPA domain controller. Most likely it is a DNS or firewall issue"
However, I've verified that it can't be DNS. What about firewall configuration on the Windows end? The official instructions just say "to be added."
--- Justin Smith IT Analyst MIM Software, Inc. [ https://www.mimsoftware.com/ | https://www.mimsoftware.com ]