The installation of IPA server and replica does not produce desired result. Even though the mkhomedir is set to true the feature is not enabled in the authselect. Also the replica server does not replicate SUDO and HBAC rules from the IPA master. Is the only solution to re-install the whole IPA server/replicas stuff? Kinda stupid.
Example of the IPA server role: - role: freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaserver vars: ipaserver: "{{ ansible_hostname }}.example" ipaserver_hostname: "{{ ansible_hostname }}.example" ipaadmin_password: "test123" ipadm_password: "test321" ipaserver_domain: "" ipaserver_realm: "EXAMPLE.COM" ipaserver_no_host_dns: true ipaserver_mem_check: true ipaserver_install_packages: true ipaserver_setup_dns: false ipaserver_no_pkinit: true ipaserver_no_hbac_allow: true ipaserver_no_ui_redirect: false ipaclient_no_ntp: true ipaclient_mkhomedir: true ipaclient_no_sudo: false