[SSSD] [PATCH v2] CI: Allow disabling distro-(in)dependent tests

Michal Židek mzidek at redhat.com
Thu Sep 11 16:06:19 UTC 2014

On 09/11/2014 02:44 PM, Nikolai Kondrashov wrote:
> On 09/11/2014 01:42 PM, Michal Židek wrote:
>> On 09/04/2014 11:40 AM, Nikolai Kondrashov wrote:
>>> This version removes the disabling of Valgrind memory leak check,
>>> which got
>>> into the first version accidentally and should be (and is) a separate
>>> patch.
>> This patch no longer applies on master. Please rebase.
> Sure, here's the rebase. Should've checked it earlier myself.
> Nick

Hi Nick,

the patches work, but I have problem with the approach
they take to solve this issue.

I would like to see the --no-common and --no-distro
functionality to be built on top of the ticket

What I would like to have is option like this:
--test=<name1>,<name2>,<name3> ...

Where <nameX> will be name of a test or group of tests.

--test=valgrind		run only valgrind
--test=mock		run only mock builds
--test=all		run all tests
--test=essential	run esential tests
--test=common		run distro independent tests only
--test=distro		run dis. dependent tests only
--test=valgrind,mock	run  valgrind and mock
etc. etc.

Using a command like --test='...' will also have the
advantage that we will not pollute namespace for other
options as all the tests or combination of tests are
parameters of the same option.

I would also keep the -n alias for --no-deps, because I
use it always, and removing it would be considered a
regression by me :) .


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