[SSSD] [PATCH] Properly set up SIGCHLD handlers

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Tue May 4 18:37:38 UTC 2010

On 05/03/2010 04:57 PM, Sumit Bose wrote:
> Nack, with a wrong password the krb5_child is not handled properly
> because the SIG_CHLD handler is never called and krb5_child remains in
> zombie state.

Ok, I've fixed this by allocating the child handler on the event context 
instead of the kerberos request context. This is safe to do because the 
child handler will free the signal request when it's finished.

I also modified it so that the callback handler ALWAYS frees the tevent 
signal handler after the callback returns. I will amend my dynamic DNS 
patch to account for this as well.

It doesn't make sense to leave that up to the callback to free it, 
because we're not going to reuse the pid.

Stephen Gallagher
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