Ruby 2.0, and a scl feature request

Ken Dreyer ktdreyer at
Mon Aug 5 23:44:50 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 3:22 AM, Vít Ondruch <vondruch at> wrote:
> If you could open RFE ticket in BZ, it would be cool. If you can open
> support ticket for RHSCL via RH's customer portal, it would be even better.
> It should be evaluated by PM, etc. I can't promise anything ATM. Sorry.

Sorry that it took me almost a month to get to this.

I had no idea that Red Hat's Customer Portal had a section for
registering support requests for Software Collections. I guess I
thought that SCLs were going to be more like EPEL. (In the long term,
will there be any effort to make SCLs more like EPEL, and try to
involve the community as packagers?)

This afternoon I filed a support request through work, and I'll let
you know if the support engineer provides me with a ticket in

- Ken

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