What is the status of software collections?

Marcela Mašláňová mmaslano at redhat.com
Wed Nov 7 15:07:32 UTC 2012

On 11/07/2012 12:38 PM, Andrew Ford wrote:
> I have just discovered software collections, having stumbled across
> Jindrich Novy's "RHEL Packaging" presentation and the Fedora/RHEL
> "Software Collections Guide" manual.  I had been trying to package up
> non-system versions of Perl and CPAN modules for work, using a very
> similar approach to scl.  I would like to recommend that we adopt
> software collections, but apart from a flurry of activity in the middle
> of the year, everything has gone quiet.  Is this a technology that has a
> future?
> Regards
> Andrew

Hi Andrew,
Fedora didn't allow scl packages in their repositories, I'd like to see 
our rpms at least in EPEL. We have set of our personal repositories for 
We are still working on packaging of many things and solving bugs in 
scl-utils. We'd like to provide users easy packaging and easy usage.

I admit missing news about collections on this list are my fault. I'll 
try to do monthly summary of improvements&news.

Perl packaging is also my problem. I'm trying build perl 5.16.2 for 
RHEL-5 and RHEL-6. It doesn't work well because of number of 
provides/requires, which must be manually filtered. If you are packaging 
modules from cpan, you might be interested in spec2scl, which can 
generate scl spec from valid specfile.

The technology was used for Developer Toolset (gcc, valgring and rest of 
toolchain), which is available in Developers Suite and some other products.


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