RHEL7 Scap-workbench issue

Lesley Kimmel ljkimmel99 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 10 12:33:32 UTC 2015

I'm sorry if this is the wrong venue for this question, but I thought it was worth a shot. I was recently using scap-workbench on RHEL7 to secure the system. After applying fix for CCE-27291-4 (add 'session required pam_lastlog.so showfailed') to /etc/pam.d/system-auth, scap-workbench immediately begins throwing an error when attempting to scan the system: 
"ERROR: pkexec.c:142:pam_conversation_function code should not be reached"

Any thoughts? I assume the issue is generally with PAM and extends beyond scap-workbench. However, since that is the only evidence I've seen of an issue I thought I'd start with the SCAP group.


-Les Kimmel
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